He says they don't look too Pikachu-ish; Kayla says they look creepy. Thanks, mom.
Meanwhile, I give you Gilad in his natural habitat (no, not a Studebaker):

He cleaned up half his books, all in an upright pile on half the shelf, then when we told him he would need to start a second pile in the remaining space, he announced, "No, I sit there!" He then proceeded to demonstrate, both his sitting and his reading skills.
And a vision in pink:

How do you put pictures in different places? Mine always go to the top and I can't move them
go back up and delete that tygogal comments and block them-they have been all over blogland today planting viruses.
Sweetiecandykim, to do the pictures, load them all up choosing the no formatting option (ie, the one that's not the right, left, or top). Then just drag each pic where you want it. I work on an iMac and it works fine even with that.
jan, thanks for the warning!
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