Friday, April 18, 2008

Gilad gets messy

But Oriya gets messier:

I just can't resist them. Of course last night Gilad poured green paint all over one of Sachy's projects (Sachy, needless to say, had left out both the project and the paint, so I wasn't terribly surprised).

Adele is all better, her motor is running again (b-b-b-b-b-b-b), she's crawling all over the place, and generally making trouble. I realized today, Friday, erev Shabbos which is erev Pesach, that I have not made my gefilte fish, nor have I gotten dad's matzah to him yet.

I didn't get into the 3 day spinning class with Judith MacKenzie McCuin I was hoping to take at the MD Sheep and Wool Festival. There are still spaces in the 3 day fiber prep workshop, so I've just sent in my form and check for that in the hopes that I can take it as a second choice, but it's not the same as 3 days of straight spinning technique. Still, it would be great.

Have a chag kasher v'sameach to all who are counting down to Passover!

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