Saturday, August 8, 2009

back home

We did get home safe and sound after two potty stops and one detour when 404 was closed just before the MD line. Best line of the trip was delivered by Gilad; he asked what snacks we had brought (at 9 am) and was told by Kayla his choices were tortilla chips or pretzels. He answered, "Hm, I can work with that."
Some photos were taken but all by Margo, so I have to wait until she gets home and emails them to me to be able to post any. Everyone had a wonderful time playing with all their cousins. Addie played with 2 year old Bryce and 1 year old Olympia non-stop, except when they were sleeping or more often when she was supposed to be sleeping but was instead stripping naked and climbing out of her playpen. Everyone beached out, and in the evenings watched "Hairspray," "The Producers" and "Wall-E." Much ice cream was consumed. All in all a successful week at the beach.
I didn't get almost any spinning in (I brought a spindle and some camel, but it's a small support spindle because the camel is so short stapled, and I just didn't have much time or place to pull it out), but I got one sock and part of a second knit for Feivel. The knit win of the week were the cute finger puppets I bought for Gilad and Addie at Made By Hand, a local Fair Trade shop:
but the fourth of the set, the peacock, is missing because it's Gilad's and he apparently brought it up to bed with him.

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