Thursday, May 14, 2015

Branching out

Somehow I missed making a MDSW post, but I did attend the festival this year, and it was truly terrific.

Medically I'm still a disaster, now in all new ways. One of my surgical procedures seems to have resulted in collateral damage to an organ that had scar tissue adhesions to the body area being worked on, and I'm still having a lot of pain from that. Trying to deal with it and possibly going to a specialist if a simple attempt at relieving inflammation doesn't work over the next week or so (I don't really expect it will, I've been taking anti-inflammatories this whole time without it making any difference, but I'm willing to give it another week and see).  My shoulder is killing me; driving is torture, but how can I not drive? Knitting is absolutely impossible, spinning almost so.

So, I've been doing a lot of embroidery, which doesn't involve a lot of motion from my left shoulder.  I have shared directly on Facebook the sashiko, blackwork, and other little pieces I've done the last few weeks.  This last week I worked a bigger piece, a challah (ritual bread) cover for Rosh Hashanah, displaying some of the simanim, special foods eaten as a reminder of good wishes for ourselves and our loved ones. The embroidery is now finished; I need to get trim and backing and sew it up into a finished cover.
The finished embroidered piece

Peas--may our merits increase

Apples and honey--a good, sweet year

Pumpkin--the decree of our sentence should be torn asunder
and our merits proclaimed

Beet greens--our adversaries should be removed

Leek--our enemies should be decimated

Pomegranate--our merits should increase as the seeds of
a pomegranate

Carrot--our enemies should be decimated, or our merits

Dates--our enemies be consumed
The various stitches used were backstitch, running stitch, satin stitch, chain stitch, satin stitch, and French knots.

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