Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2 guesses and the first one doesn't count

icelandic lace singles
Originally uploaded by LeesyLou
Well, Addie drank maybe 12 ounces of formula all day and ate nothing else; Feivel is reaching new levels of neurosis; Kayla is coughing, vomitting and generally being virus-infected; and the other kids are being themselves.
So what did I do?
Cast on another hat.
Then believe it or not I put it aside and did so much spinning that I gave myself shinsplints, but I did get one ounce of laceweight spun.
it's Icelandic wool roving from Aboundingful Farm in PA ("Moorit Roving from Ginger, Josey and Johanna" complete with photos of the generous sheep), and I've got about 1/4 of what I hope to spin to laceweight complete. It's pretty fun, and an interesting change after all the bulkier yarns I've been working on. It's part of "A Spinner's Study" over on Ravelry, where a group of us are all doing monthly breed/species spin-a-longs complete with information on the animals and sharing our experiences.

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