Thursday, November 20, 2008

A few more days' report

icelandic beret
Originally uploaded by LeesyLou
Well I've still been spinning my Moorit Icelandic rovings, and I've cast on Donna Druchunas' North Star Tam (from Arctic Lace) with the first ball. The second ball is spun true woolen and is much softer and fluffier, which will make it suitable for a scarf, mittens, or even a cowl. It's noticeably fluffier on the bobbin.
Feivel and Kayla are still sick, and Tirtze and I aren't feeling to great either. I've got a fever, but things are really nuts at work this week, so off I go. I wish we could convince Tirtze to show a little more dedication to getting done what she needs to do, but then she's a teenager.
Jeffrey took Gilad to a Barry Louis Polisar concert on Sunday, which they (particularly Giggle) enjoyed immensely. Jeffrey got Gilad a copy of Polisar's book, Don't Do That!: A Child's Guide to Bad Manners, Ridiculous Rules, and Inadequate Etiquette, autographed to Gilad; and they bought a copy for Auntie Julie and family and had that autographed too!

eta: I finished the top of the beret this evening, but then put the project aside to work on one of my outstanding (in the sense of being late to be finished) projects

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