Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shh, don't tell.

Originally uploaded by LeesyLou
Remember the secret to easy latkes. One pack of pre-shredded potatoes works out to the perfect amount for the latke recipe in Spice and Spirit (the same one reprinted in all those Chabad House calendars you always get free). Nu, who needs shredded knuckles?


Michelle said...

Oh that is so cheating... and I am SOOOOO doing it. Now I can have latkes without trying to find the food processor!

Leesy said...

I know--I don't mind grating one quick onion, but I just totally can't get into grating and draining all the potatoes, rinsing them to keep them white, and so on. This way it's grate an onion, throw it in the bowl with the rest of the stuff, mix, and done in just a few minutes.