Wednesday, December 10, 2008

'cause sometimes sheep just aren't enough

teal mohair sample
Originally uploaded by LeesyLou
...and you have to branch out into goats. Angora goats, to be specific, the kind which provide mohair to all of us fiber-obsessed types. So here's a teeny tiny sample spun of mohair hand carded with a little bit of Romney lamb. It's slippery, shiny, and soft. Drafting it took a bit of practice, but I'll have lots more practice because I have 3 more larger samples of carded and combed blends and plain mohair locks to work on.
And a side tidbit; every time I spin Romney, I think of Franklin Habit's version of Poe's The Raven, titled, The Romney. Unfortunately I can't find the text anywhere on line, but you can hear it read by Franklin himself on this episode of Brenda Dayne's Cast On.

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