Monday, September 19, 2011

who, what, when, where

Where have I been?  Helping with homework.  School has begun and with it the various homework crises. The first grader has homework for the first time (and has already learned not to bother lying about it, the teachers post the assignments on their webpages as well as send home sheets with it written out), one has too much, one won't do it, and so on.  Soccer has begun, track has begun, along with the requisite impossible schedules.  K is finally starting physical therapy.  And Gilad has eye surgery scheduled tomorrow, just to add a little excitement to the mix.  Addie, though, has adjusted to being a big 4 year old in the oldest pre-K class.
Very fine Corriedale wheel spun (about 2100 yds)

Some of the same fleece being spun on a Russian spindle now
I've been doing some spinning, and chugging along at my knitting which seems to be going glacially.
I know I have funny stories of my children's behavior....they're just somehow not coming to mind yet.  Maybe this should just be considered a place-holding post.

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