Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spinning dilemma; oh, what a problem to have

I took the plunge and was able to join a fiber club for the first time ever (someday I'll be able to afford a sock club, but that day is far off) and today the first shipment arrived:

It's a beautiful Crosspatch Creations batt, from my favorite fiber enabler, The Bellwether.
Now the dilemma:  the club includes instructions to spin a particular yarn, so that you can then knit it to a pattern in the second month.  This month the "class" is on spinning a soft bulky singles yarn.  I never spin soft bulky singles, I almost always spin plied fingering to dk weight yarns.  It would be a really good experience for me, though, to do some more "intentional" spinning in the form of following the class/instructions and forcing myself to spin this different kind of yarn.  The sample they included is absolutely beautiful and I can agree that this batt will spin into a fantastic bulky singles.  It just won't be what I usually want to do.
So I think I've talked myself into following their spin-a-long, but we'll see in the next few days.  I'm itching to go ahead and get it going on the wheel!

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