Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fell off the wagon

gingersnap hat
Originally uploaded by LeesyLou
I was going to spin tonight--I have some fancy yarn half done, and some yak fiber I want to spin, and some Icelandic for a Spin-a-long, and then some bamboo/silk batts on their way for some planned projects.
But what did I do this evening?
Knit a Gingersnap Hat.


Fyrefly said...

That's so cool! What kind of yarn is that?

Leesy said...

The plain green is random leftover wool from my stash from a shawl project I knit a couple of years ago. The self-striping is Noro Kureyon. I have sort of a love-hate relationship with that yarn. A lot of the time I find it dull and uninspired and then it will come out in something like this and really shine through. The colors fell just perfectly in place.