Thursday, April 19, 2012

A taste of what's to come

I have been so very excited about MDSW arriving soon that I more or less jumped the gun.  I've finished my projects for the skein and garment competitions, with everything all documented and blocked.  I've warped my loom for the sheep-to-shawl competition, tested the warp and the sample weft from our team's spinners, and now can't touch that until competition day.  So naturally my mind turned to sock design, and specifically a combination of modern sock construction and Estonian lace traditions.
lace cuff women's socks; one done, one begun
Just to give you an idea, here is the first of what are to be three patterns in the series.  This one has typical Haapsalu saal border design; the second will be a tribute to the traditional Greta Garbo motif; and the third naturally will be lily-of-the-valley.

I hope to have all three patterns available in a few weeks for sale on Ravelry and elsewhere.  Meanwhile, swatch your sock yarns, practice your nupps, and prepare for a knit-along!
close-up view of the lace cuff


Ruchi said...

oh fun, i haven't actually knit socks yet, I usually do sweaters or blankets but if you do a knit-a-long, I might just be tempted to join,

Leesy said...

Ruchi, please do! There will be 3 patterns to choose from, and all will be written with complete instructions. We're going to have fun with it.